ITA Learning Project - My Journey from Youth to High School Coach – Post #8


Even though the last few posts came fast and furious, this has been a long journey for me.  Until I started thinking about how to summarize this project in terms of the class, I really didn’t think about how much tech is involved in anything. Let’s list different “tech” I used in this process.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile phone (including SMS)
  • Many different WiFi’s
  • NFHS learning management system
  • US Lacrosse learning management system
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Microsoft OneDrive (cloud storage)
  • Excel/Word
  • Google Sheets
  • Digital camcorder
  • Portable projector
  • Email
  • Whiteboard
  • Good old pencil and paper
  • F2F (face to face) – the new-fangled way of saying talking to people
  • Lacrosse game equipment
  • Blogger

After looking back and considering the different tools I used to help me be a better coach and hopefully make my kids be better players, I understand what the hell this assignment was all about. Teaching is about using whatever you can to make your students understand things.


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