Kahoot! - Cool Tool or Strange Sound from an Owl?
It’s time for another Cool Tool review. This week I’m going to give my opinion of the Kahoot! app and hopefully give some insightful thoughts on how it can be used effectively in a classroom setting. (Wherever you see the Kahoot! or K! logos, I got them from the Kahoot! website. They make these available for download for anybody that wants to use them in an article.) Let’s get started! WHAT IS Kahoot! ? In a nutshell, Kahoot! is an application that allows teachers to create formative assessments and present them to the class in a game show format. Those are my words. Of course, the company that developed and distributes the app has fancier words. They call it “ a free game-based learning platform for teachers of awesome, classroom superheroes and all learners. ” I guess that’s the difference between an engineering background like mine and the marketing background of whoever wrote that copy. PLEASE START WITH THE BASICS HOW DO I GET IT?...